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Werap Elektronik AG is part of Werap Group with registered office in Bubikon, Switzerland.

Werap Elektronik AG stands for comprehensive industrial electronics services.
We are system partner in development, reengineering, industrialisation and manufacturing electronic modules and devices.
Quality-conscious employees and an established quality management system also fulfil above average high standards and we can meet the high quality standards and expectations of our customers.

Our mission statement
Excellent client relations are a prerequisite for our lasting success.  Therefore, having the client as a partner is at the core of our actions. We recognise client needs early, comprehensively and systematically and we proactively address them. We make sure that we never lose sight of clients‘ interests, offer flexible, custom-made solutions, and implement clients‘ wishes as quickly as possible.  We foster honest and open communication and know our clients on a personal level as well. We take measures that underpin our credibility.


ISO 9001:2015 / 14001:2015

IQNet Certification

WEAG ISO9001 14001 2015 de ISO9001 2014 14001 2014 IQ